When your son or daughter grows up and has a child of their own, it’s a joyous and emotional occasion. It may also make you wonder just where those last few decades went, but that’s by the by. When a new arrival comes to your family, this is an opportunity to enjoy all the best bits of parenthood all over again without the sleepless nights and (hopefully) less than a third of the nappies.
You might just feel that becoming a grandparent reveals your true self as you support, advise and love your grown up child as they nurture the little life they’ve brought into the world. You may have to walk a fine line as you learn when to be hands-on and when to let your son or daughter learn for themselves. But this is all just part of the rich tapestry of grandparenthood.
One of the best things about being a grandparent is the giving of presents to your grandchildren. It’s a wonderful experience that three generations will share in. But what gift do you buy a newborn baby? If you don’t want to buy the usual range of nappies and baby supplies or even some fancy baby shoes.
We’ll take a look at what you should consider in this guide to buying newborn baby gifts.
Buying online vs buying in-store
When it comes to choosing gifts for your baby grandchild, you may be unsure whether you’re better served by buying online or in-store. Both have their pros and cons. Being in-store allows you to scrutinise gifts for yourself. However, you can browse a great many more prospective gifts online. And when you buy from a reliable company like Love My Baby you know that you’re getting good quality, ethically sourced gifts at a very reasonable price. Plus you even get 10% off your first order!
Buy Australian
Buying locally-sourced toys, clothes and gifts from a small local business are not only good for the economy, but it’s also good for your grandchild. Rigorous manufacturing standards mean that the gift will be safer and made from better quality materials than cheaper gifts from overseas manufacturers.
Keep it natural
Speaking of materials, if you can buy gifts made from natural materials such as wood, cotton, wool etc. this is definitely advantageous for the baby. It’s distressing how many baby toys, rattles, sippy cups and other baby products are made from plastics that contain harmful BPAs.
These can result in harmful developmental effects in babies and infants. BPAs have been linked to early-onset puberty, obesity, attention disorders and even cancer.
Get more value for money with a subscription box
You may have noticed the rise and rise of baby subscription boxes in recent years. The subscription box model is good for businesses as it enables them to keep a customer for longer, but it’s also good for consumers because they get more for their money.

If you’re looking for a gift that keeps on giving, a baby subscription box is a great way to go, and it can ensure that your grandchild gets age-appropriate gifts as they grow and develop.
Whatever you choose as a gift, you’ll find that the joy of giving is the greatest gift you could give yourself!