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Finance for 50s Plus Lifestyle. We are Australia’s newest website for over 50s. Packed with lifestyle articles, informative features, news, special offers & much more.

5 Costly Retirement Surprises

Most of us think that retirement is likely to be relatively inexpensive. After all, the house and car will probably be paid-off and the...

Top 5 Causes of Excessive Personal Debt

Excessive debt is the biggest worry of most people. Financial issues are one of the leading contributors to divorce and suicide. We are provided...
6 Wise Money Moves for Busy Boomers Who Don’t Plan to Retire

6 Wise Money Moves for Baby Boomers Who Don’t Plan...

Do you see yourself as someone who won’t ever retire? You probably know some people who have already retired, but you can’t imagine that...

6 Tips to Save on Back-to-School Supplies

It's back to school time again! You're probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. But now its time to start thinking about...
4 Critical Steps to Retiring when You Want

4 Critical Steps to Retiring When You Want

Are you on track with being able to retire when you want to? It’s so easy to procrastinate about investing money for your retirement...

Warning – Stay Safe Online At Tax Time

It’s tax time and the common scam email informing that you’re eligible for a tax refund is doing the rounds again! Scammers have long used...

Should You Be Helping Your Adult Kids Financially?

It can be difficult as a parent to not help out your children when they are in need financially. But when is enough, enough? Baby...

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